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Sep 20, 2010

When datafile bytes size greater than maxbytes

From dba_data_files we can check the size of the datafile, the maximum size of the datafile it can grows if AUTOEXTENSIBLE option is set and their status with many other fields.

Describing the dba_data_files yield following result.

SQL> desc dba_data_files;
Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
FILE_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(513)
FILE_ID                                            NUMBER
TABLESPACE_NAME                                    VARCHAR2(30)
BYTES                                              NUMBER
BLOCKS                                             NUMBER
STATUS                                             VARCHAR2(9)
RELATIVE_FNO                                       NUMBER
AUTOEXTENSIBLE                                     VARCHAR2(3)
MAXBYTES                                           NUMBER
MAXBLOCKS                                          NUMBER
INCREMENT_BY                                       NUMBER
USER_BYTES                                         NUMBER
USER_BLOCKS                                        NUMBER
ONLINE_STATUS                                      VARCHAR2(7)

Bytes represent the size of the data file in bytes.

Status can be AVAILABLE or INVALID (INVALID means that the file number is not in use, for example, a file in a tablespace was dropped)

Maxbytes represent maximum file size in bytes.

User_Bytes represent the actual size of the datafile that can be usable to store user data. In fact,
USER_BYTES= Actual size of the datafile - Size used to store file related metadata.

Online_status can have following values,
Online status of the file:

From the column description we see MAXBYTES should be greater than BYTES.

But let's have a look at the following query.

SQL> select bytes/1024/1024, maxbytes/1024/1024, user_bytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='DATA';
BYTES/1024/1024 MAXBYTES/1024/1024 USER_BYTES/1024/1024
--------------- ------------------ --------------------
400                300             399.9375

We see in the query it shows BYTES size is greater then USER_BYTES which is acceptable. Because 400-399.9375 = 0.0625 Megabytes size is used to store metadata information. But why the MAXBYTES is greater than the size BYTES?

Well, this happens if after creating tablespace and datafile later we resize the datafile to a bigger size than the maxsize.
Following example will make you clear.

1)Create a tablespace whose datafile size is less than maxsize

SQL> create tablespace data datafile 'data01.dbf' size 40M autoextend on maxsize 300M;
Tablespace created.

2)Let's have a query to see bytes and maxbytes size from dba_data_files.

SQL> select bytes/1024/1024, maxbytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='DATA';
BYTES/1024/1024 MAXBYTES/1024/1024
--------------- ------------------
40                300

3)Resize the datafile to a bigger size than MAXBYTES.

SQL> alter database datafile 'data01.dbf' resize 400M;
Database altered.

4)Let's have a query to see BYTES and MAXBYTES information.

SQL> select bytes/1024/1024, maxbytes/1024/1024 from dba_data_files where tablespace_name='DATA';
BYTES/1024/1024 MAXBYTES/1024/1024
--------------- ------------------
400                300



  1. Thank you very much.... I am struggling with same kind of situation..

    but my question is that why ORACLE allows to resize the datafile more than the maxbytes. or if we able to resize the daatfile more than maxbytes than what is the need of autoextensible 'YES' and maxbytes in this condition.

    please advice...

    In my database i have 10 datafiles and all are autoextensible ON.. and 8 of them reached to their maxbytes but two of them are more than the maxbytes. and i am getting alert that tablespace is 94 % full so i have to add the space.. then please advice me whether i have to add a new datafile or resize the datafile more than the maxbytes.

  2. Maxbytes is purely a limit in place for the autoextendable property of your datafile/tablespace. So you can manually expand a datafile beyond this limit, but it won't autoextend beyond the limit.

    You have 2 options - resize the datafiles and reset the maxsize at the same time; OR add a datafile - either way is as good as the other, personal preference.

    1. thanks for the great explanation. it is a great post indeed..

  3. Is there will be any problem to datafile if bytes are greater than max size ??

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