SQL> spool D:\lastsql.lst
Enter value for filename:
SQL> set verify off lines 132 head on
SQL> col UNAM format a20 word heading 'User'
SQL> col STMT format a56 word heading 'Statement'
SQL> col RUNT format a08 word heading 'Run Time'
SQL> col ltim format a20 word heading 'Logon Time'
SQL> col etim format a20 word heading 'Connect Time'
SQL> col PROG format a30 word heading 'Program|Client Terminal Details'
SQL> col SID format a10 word heading 'SID/|Serial#'
SQL> col DR format 999999999 heading 'Disk Reads'
SQL> col BG format 999999999 heading 'Buffer Gets'
SQL> col thread format 99999 heading 'ThreadID
string "'ThreadID" missing terminating quote (').
SQL> col sqltext format A64 wrap heading 'Last SQL'
SQL> break on unam on sid on status
SQL> select S.USERNAME||'('||s.sid||')-'||s.osuser UNAM
2 -- ,s.program||'-'||s.terminal||'('||s.machine||')' PROG
3 ,s.sid||'/'||s.serial# sid
4 ,s.status "Status",p.spid
5 ,sql_text sqltext
6 from v$sqltext_with_newlines t,V$SESSION s , v$process p
7 where t.address =s.sql_address
8 and p.addr=s.paddr(+)
9 and t.hash_value = s.sql_hash_value
10 order by s.sid,t.piece
11 /
* Please test this script before use. Author will not be responsible for any damage that may be cause by this script.
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