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Jun 27, 2011

Oracle Tips: Wait Analysis Techniques


Oracle Wait Analysis Techniques

Oracle Tips by Burleson Consulting

Oracle provides a special views called v$session_wait and v$system_event that provide detailed information about the wait state for ongoing Oracle transactions. For the complete script downloads and more details on the concepts of this article, see my book "Oracle Tuning: The Definitive Reference".  This article explores how Oracle waits can be analyzed to look for system-wide bottlenecks and individual objects that experience wait issues. Wait event analysis for Oracle cane be broken down into three areas:
  • Time-based event analysis - The Oracle STATSPACK utility can be used to show trends in wait event over long time periods, and fluctuations in waits can often provide useful information.
  • System-wide event analysis - We will start at a high level and show scripts that can be used to track system wide events, show events for background processes.
  • Session wait events - These are real-time waits at the exact moment that you run the script. We will show techniques for locating specific database objects that may be causing the wait issue.
Let's begin with a quick review of Oracle wait events so we clearly understand how they can help us tune our database. When running the system-wide scripts, you will see areas where the database is spending most of its time waiting. However, high waits do not always indicate a bottleneck or a problem. High waits may indicate a bottleneck, but some waits are a normal part of database operations. In general, the system-wide wait events tell us where the database spends most of its time.
For example, high waits on 'db file sequential read' events may indicate a disk bottleneck, but you must check your average disk queue length for each disk spindle to be sure that these waits are abnormal. In one case, an Oracle shop ran the script for system-wide wait events and discovered that their RAID-5 configuration was causing a huge amount of disk enqueues. The shop reorganized their disk to RAID 0+1 and experienced a 3x performance improvement for the whole database.
Prerequisites for Monitoring Oracle System Waits
Collecting Oracle wait events requires that the Oracle parameter is timed_statistics=true. In Oracle9i and Oracle 10g this is the default, but Oracle9i and prior require you to use set timed_statistics.
We also have to filter out wait events that are not helpful to our tuning effort. The list below shows all system "idle" wait events that have no meaningful information:
  • dispatcher timer
  • lock element cleanup
  • Null event
  • parallel query dequeue wait
  • parallel query idle wait - Slaves
  • pipe get
  • PL/SQL lock timer
  • pmon timer
  • rdbms ipc message
  • slave wait
  • smon timer
  • SQL*Net break/reset to client
  • SQL*Net message from client
  • SQL*Net message to client
  • SQL*Net more data to client
  • virtual circuit status
Once we have proper scripts ready, we can start exploring Oracle wait events. Let's start with time-series wait event analysis using the Oracle STATSPACK utility.
Event Wait Analysis with STATSPACK
In STATSPACK, you can get a snapshot of Oracle wait events every hour and plot changes in wait behavior over time. You can also set thresholds, and report only on wait events that exceed your pre-defined threshold. Here is the script that is commonly used for exception reporting of wait events.
-- prompt
-- prompt
-- prompt ***********************************************************
-- prompt  Excessive waits on background events
-- prompt ***********************************************************
-- prompt

ttitle 'High waits on background events|Rollup by hour'

column mydate heading 'Yr.  Mo Dy Hr'     format a13;
column event                              format a30;
column total_waits    heading 'tot waits' format 999,999;
column time_waited    heading 'time wait' format 999,999;
column total_timeouts heading 'timeouts'  format 9,999;

break on to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd') skip 1;

   to_char(snap_time,'yyyy-mm-dd HH24')           mydate,
   e.total_waits - nvl(b.total_waits,0)           total_waits,
   e.time_waited - nvl(b.time_waited,0)           time_waited,
   e.total_timeouts - nvl(b.total_timeouts,0)     total_timeouts
   stats$bg_event_summary     b,
   stats$bg_event_summary     e,
   stats$snapshot     sn
   snap_time > sysdate-&1
   e.event not like '%timer'

Here is the output from this script. As we can see, we get a time-series result, showing us those days and hours when our thresholds are exceeded. If we look at this listing, we see that every evening between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m., we experience high waits on the redo logs.
Wed Aug 21                                                            page    1
                      High waits on background events
                             Rollup by hour

Yr.  Mo Dy Hr EVENT                          tot waits time wait timeouts
------------- ------------------------------ --------- --------- --------
2002-08-18 22 LGWR wait for redo copy         9,326    1,109      286
2002-08-18 23 LGWR wait for redo copy         8,506      316        8
2002-08-18 23 buffer busy waits                 214   21,388      206
2002-08-19 00 LGWR wait for redo copy           498        5        0
2002-08-19 01 LGWR wait for redo copy           497       15        0
2002-08-19 22 LGWR wait for redo copy         9,207    1,433      427
2002-08-19 22 buffer busy waits                 529   53,412      515
2002-08-19 23 LGWR wait for redo copy         9,066      367        9
2002-08-19 23 buffer busy waits                 250   24,479      236
2002-08-20 00 LGWR wait for redo copy           771       16        0
2002-08-20 22 LGWR wait for redo copy         8,030    2,013      634
2002-08-20 22 buffer busy waits                 356   35,583      343
2002-08-20 23 LGWR wait for redo copy         8,021      579       86
2002-08-20 23 buffer busy waits                 441   44,677      432
2002-08-21 00 LGWR wait for redo copy         1,013       26        1
2002-08-21 00 rdbms ipc reply                   160   30,986      149
2002-08-21 01 LGWR wait for redo copy           541       17        0

Using Queries Against v$event_wait
Here is the most commonly used script for displaying system-wide events, called current_waits.sql.
set pages 999
set lines 90

column c1 heading 'Event|Name'             format a30
column c2 heading 'Total|Waits'            format 999,999,999
column c3 heading 'Seconds|Waiting'        format 999,999
column c4 heading 'Total|Timeouts'         format 999,999,999
column c5 heading 'Average|Wait|(in secs)' format 99.999

ttitle 'System-wide Wait Analysis|for current wait events'

   event                         c1,
   total_waits                   c2,
   time_waited / 100             c3,
   total_timeouts                c4,
   average_wait    /100          c5
   event not in (
    'dispatcher timer',
    'lock element cleanup',
    'Null event',
    'parallel query dequeue wait',
    'parallel query idle wait - Slaves',
    'pipe get',
    'PL/SQL lock timer',
    'pmon timer',
    'rdbms ipc message',
    'slave wait',
    'smon timer',
    'SQL*Net break/reset to client',
    'SQL*Net message from client',
    'SQL*Net message to client',
    'SQL*Net more data to client',
    'virtual circuit status',
    'WMON goes to sleep'

Below is the output from this script. As we see, the report shows all cumulative waits since instance startup time.
Tue Aug 20                                                          page    1
                                System-wide Wait Analysis
                                 for current wait events

Event                                 Total  Seconds        Total      Wait
Name                                  Waits  Waiting     Timeouts (in secs)
------------------------------ ------------ -------- ------------ ---------
db file sequential read           2,902,850    3,829            0      .001
latch free                        2,248,864      496    1,524,235      .000
PX Deq: Table Q Normal            2,080,463    4,469          248      .002
PX Deq Credit: send blkd          1,321,019   52,251       23,032      .040
direct path read                    986,951    6,931            0      .007
PX Deq Credit: need buffer          800,970    1,091           84      .001
log file parallel write             415,175    5,078            2      .012
direct path write                   321,096    9,342            0      .029
PX Deq: Execution Msg               198,768   56,384       26,020      .284
log file sequential read            118,480      164            0      .001
PX Deq: Execute Reply                92,487    5,628        2,407      .061
log file sync                        87,295    1,327            7      .015
db file scattered read               70,112      162            0      .002
enqueue                              44,335    1,468          354      .033
PX Deq: Join ACK                     42,503       77            0      .002
file open                            28,545        8            0      .000
PX Deq: Signal ACK                   26,753      253        6,705      .009
log file switch completion               54       18            5      .341
control file parallel write          23,785      340            0      .014
SQL*Net more data from client        19,847      878            0      .044
PX Deq: Parse Reply                  17,885       26            0      .001
db file parallel write               17,745    1,293            4      .073
PX Deq: Msg Fragment                 15,612       18            8      .001
rdbms ipc reply                      11,013      167           66      .015
PX Deq: Table Q qref                  7,778        2            0      .000
LGWR wait for redo copy               7,608        2           43      .000
control file sequential read          4,098        1            0      .000
buffer busy waits                     2,970        9            0      .003
PX Deq: Table Q Sample                2,053       25           27      .012
library cache pin                     1,353        6            0      .004
PX Deq: Table Q Get Keys                530        1            0      .001
local write wait                        317      177          163      .560
file identify                           315        0            0      .000
refresh controlfile command             214        0            0      .002
PX qref latch                           135      105          102      .780
log file single write                    80        2            0      .021
imm op                                   67        0            0      .000
process startup                          61        2            0      .036
write complete waits                     33       34           33     1.032
library cache load lock                  25        6            2      .256
log buffer space                         20        6            0      .286
db file single write                      6        0            0      .007
row cache lock                            5        0            0      .006
db file parallel read                     2        0            0      .010
instance state change                     2        0            0      .000
reliable message                          1        0            0      .010
library cache lock                        1        0            0      .020

This should give a list of "current" wait events, but some events are more important than others. These are the one's to watch-out for:
  • async disk IO
  • control file parallel write
  • control file sequential read
  • db file parallel write
  • db file scattered read
  • db file sequential read
  • direct path read
  • direct path write
  • log file parallel write
  • log file sync
For details on singular wait events, consult Appendix A of the Oracle9i Reference Manual or check MOSC.
Once we have a system wide picture of wait events, we can drill-down into wait events that are directly associated with background processes.
set pages 999
set lines 90

column c1 heading 'System|ID'              format 999
column c2 heading 'Prcs'                   format a10
column c3 heading 'Event|Name'             format a30
column c4 heading 'Total|Waits'            format 999,999
column c5 heading 'Time|Waited|(in secs)'  format 999,999
column c6 heading 'Avg|Wait|secs'          format 999
column c7 heading 'Avg|Wait|secs'          format 999
column c8 heading 'Max|Wait|(in secs)'     format 999

ttitle 'System-wide Wait Analysis|Detail Analysis|for current wait events'

   b.sid                                     c1,
   decode(b.username,NULL,c.name,b.username) c2,
   event                                     c3,
   a.total_waits                             c4,
   round((a.time_waited / 100),2)            c5,
a.total_timeouts                             c6,
   round((average_wait / 100),2)             c7,
   round((a.max_wait / 100),2)               c8
   sys.v_$session_event a,
   sys.v_$session       b,
   sys.v_$bgprocess     c
   event NOT IN
   'lock element cleanup',
   'pmon timer',
   'rdbms ipc message',
   'smon timer',
   'SQL*Net message from client',
   'SQL*Net break/reset to client',
   'SQL*Net message to client',
   'SQL*Net more data to client',
   'dispatcher timer',
   'Null event',
   'io done',
   'parallel query dequeue wait',
   'parallel query idle wait - Slaves',
   'pipe get',
   'PL/SQL lock timer',
   'slave wait',
   'virtual circuit status',
   'WMON goes to sleep'
order by 4 desc

Here is the output from this script. Here we see each background process and the time each has spent waiting within Oracle.
Tue Aug 20                                                                      page    1
                                System-wide Wait Analysis
                                     Detail Analysis
                                 for current wait events

                                                               Time  Avg  Avg       Max
System            Event                             Total    Waited Wait Wait      Wait
    ID Prcs       Name                              Waits (in secs) secs secs (in secs)
------ ---------- ------------------------------ -------- --------- ---- ---- ---------
     3 LGWR       log file parallel write         415,082     5,076    2    0         1
    11 ARC0       log file sequential read        108,834       139    0    0         0
     4 CKPT       control file parallel write      23,035       327    0    0         1
     4 CKPT       file open                        20,842         4    0    0         0
     2 DBW0       db file parallel write           17,684     1,292    4    0         1
     4 CKPT       direct path read                  9,745       106    0    0         6
    25 ARC1       log file sequential read          9,603        25    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       LGWR wait for redo copy           7,608         2   43    0         0
     4 CKPT       direct path write                 3,743         2    0    0         0
     5 SMON       db file scattered read            1,824         7    0    0         0
     4 CKPT       control file sequential read      1,355         0    0    0         0
     5 SMON       db file sequential read             794         2    0    0         0
   156 CPA1_OWNER db file sequential read             677         3    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       control file sequential read        468         0    0    0         0
    11 ARC0       control file sequential read        433         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       control file parallel write         271         6    0    0         0
     2 DBW0       control file sequential read        253         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       file open                           190         0    0    0         0
   160 CPA1_USER  log file sync                       152         2    0    0         0
    25 ARC1       control file sequential read        143         0    0    0         0
     2 DBW0       file open                           112         0    0    0         0
     5 SMON       file open                           111         0    0    0         0
     2 DBW0       direct path read                    108         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       direct path read                    108         2    0    0         0
     2 DBW0       file identify                       108         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       direct path write                   107         0    0    0         0
    11 ARC0       control file parallel write         103         2    0    0         0
    11 ARC0       file identify                       102         0    0    0         0
    12            file open                            91         0    0    0         0
    16            file open                            90         1    0    0         0
    20            file open                            89         1    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       log file single write                80         2    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       file identify                        80         0    0    0         0
   183 CPA1_USER  log file sync                        73         1    0    0         0
    11 ARC0       file open                            70         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       imm op                               67         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       log file sequential read             43         0    0    0         0
    15            file open                            38         0    0    0         0
     6 RECO       db file sequential read              36         0    0    0         0
   156 CPA1_OWNER latch free                           34         0   21    0         0
   160 CPA1_USER  latch free                           30         0   20    0         0
     2 DBW0       latch free                           29         1   29    0         0
     5 SMON       latch free                           17         0   11    0         0
   125 SYS        latch free                           14         0    7    0         0
   183 CPA1_USER  latch free                           14         0    9    0         0
     3 LGWR       latch free                           11         0   11    0         0
   156 CPA1_OWNER file open                            11         0    0    0         0
    25 ARC1       control file parallel write           9         0    0    0         0
   183 CPA1_USER  db file sequential read               9         0    0    0         0
    25 ARC1       file identify                         9         0    0    0         0
   115 CPA1_USER  log file sync                         8         0    0    0         0
    25 ARC1       file open                             8         0    0    0         0
     4 CKPT       file identify                         4         0    0    0         0
    15            latch free                            3         0    3    0         0
     2 DBW0       process startup                       3         0    0    0         0
   160 CPA1_USER  db file sequential read               3         0    0    0         0
    11 ARC0       enqueue                               2         4    0    2         3
   132 CPA1_USER  log file sync                         2         0    0    0         0
   125 SYS        db file sequential read               2         0    0    0         0
     4 CKPT       latch free                            1         0    1    0         0
    12            latch free                            1         0    1    0         0
    11 ARC0       process startup                       1         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       enqueue                               1         3    0    3         3
     6 RECO       file open                             1         0    0    0         0
   183 CPA1_USER  file open                             1         0    0    0         0
   125 SYS        file open                             1         0    0    0         0
   160 CPA1_USER  file open                             1         0    0    0         0
   166 ANAND      file open                             1         0    0    0         0
   166 ANAND      db file sequential read               1         0    0    0         0
   125 SYS        log file sync                         1         0    0    0         0
     5 SMON       buffer busy waits                     1         0    0    0         0
    25 ARC1       enqueue                               1         0    0    0         0
     3 LGWR       process startup                       1         0    0    0         0
    16            latch free                            1         0    1    0         0
     6 RECO       latch free                            1         0    1    0         0

From all of the above reports, we see the following areas for improvement:
1 - Event waits for parallel query dequeues. We need to check the default degree of parallelism for database objects and turn-off parallelism at the system level.
2 - Event waits for "db file sequential reads." This is most likely due to segment header contention on the indexes, but it could also be due to disk contention. We will start by increasing the number of freelists on the indexes. If the waits persist, the offending index should be striped across multiple disk spindles.
These are very general wait conditions, but they can sometimes be fixed by changing parameters or object characteristics. Some possible solutions include:
  • Improve the optimizers' propensity to use indexes by reducing the value of optimizer_index_cost_adj to a value less than 100, sometimes reducing unnecessary full-table scans
  • Check and adjust the value of parallel_threads_per_cpu to reduce parallel query
    • Check for segment header contention/waits on index headers
    • Create multiple segment header blocks for stressed indexes (using alter
      index xxx storage (freelists 1))
  • Distribute heavy impact tables and indexes onto a faster disk, or stripe the object across multiple disks.
Session Detail Event Waits Once we have covered the system and background waits, we can find tasks that are currently waiting. This script is tricky because it must be running at the exact moment of a wait. Some Oracle professionals run this script every 60 seconds, sending an e-mail when an important wait occurs:
clear columns
set pages 999
set lines 100

col c1 heading 'SID' format 999
col c2 heading 'User|Name' format a16
col c3 heading 'Event|Name' format a10
col c4 heading 'Secs|Wait' format 9.99
col c5 heading 'Wait|Time' format 9.99
col c6 heading 'state' format a10
col c7 heading 'P1 text' format a10
col c8 heading 'P1|Val' format 999,999,999
col c9 heading 'P1|Raw' format a10
col c10 heading 'P2|Text' format a10
col c11 heading 'P2|Val' format 999,999,999
col c12 heading 'P2|Raw' format a10
col c13 heading 'P3|Text' format a10
col c14 heading 'P3|Val' format 999,999,999
col c15 heading 'P3|Raw' format a10

ttitle 'Individual process wait times'

a.sid c1,
b.username) c2,
a.event c3,
a.seconds_in_wait c4,
a.wait_time c5,
a.state c6,
a.p1text c7,
a.p1 c8,
-- a.p1raw c9,
a.p2text c10,
a.p2 c11,
-- a.p2raw c12,
a.p3text c13,
a.p3 c14
-- a.p3raw c15
sys.v_$session_wait a,
sys.v_$session b,
sys.v_$bgprocess c
event NOT IN
('lock element cleanup',
'pmon timer',
'rdbms ipc message',
'smon timer',
'SQL*Net message from client',
'SQL*Net break/reset to client',
'SQL*Net message to client',
'SQL*Net more data to client',
'dispatcher timer',
'Null event',
'parallel query dequeue wait',
'parallel query idle wait - Slaves',
'pipe get',
'PL/SQL lock timer',
'slave wait',
'virtual circuit status',
'WMON goes to sleep'
order by
4 desc

Here is the output from this script. Here we see two types of wait conditions:
  • User CPA1 is waiting to access file 116, block 51253 - We can use the get_object_by_block_nbr.sql script to see the exact block.
  • IUD_READ_ONLY users are waiting on a parallel query dequeue
Individual process wait times

SID Name             Name        Wait  Time state      P1 text             Val Text
---- ---------------- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------
          P2 P3                   P3            
         Val Text                Val            
------------ ---------- ------------                   
  75 CPA1_USER        db file se   .00   .00 WAITING    file#               116 block#
                      quential r                         
      51,253 blocks                1                     
  52 IUD1_READ_ONLY   PX Deq Cre   .00   .00 WAITING    sleeptime/  268,566,527 passes
                      dit: send                         senderid
         284 qref                  0                    
 253 IUD1_READ_ONLY   PX Deq Cre   .00   .00 WAITING    sleeptime/  268,566,527 passes
                      dit: send                         senderid
         284 qref                  0                
 151 IUD1_READ_ONLY   PX Deq Cre   .00   .00 WAITING    sleeptime/  268,566,527 passes
                      dit: send                         senderid
         284 qref                  0                           
 147 IUD1_READ_ONLY   PX Deq Cre   .00   .00 WAITING    sleeptime/  268,566,527 passes
                      dit: send                         senderid
         284 qref                  0

Methods for Using Event Wait Data
Because this is a short article, let's confine our wait discussion to the most onerous wait event, the db file sequential read wait event.
In our example from the system-wide reports we noted that the number one wait in v$system_event is "db file sequential reads." This wait event is usually for index reads. If we look at the detail listing for these wait events, we see that the script returns the file number and block number where Oracle was waiting for the event.
SID Name             Name        Wait  Time state      P1 text             Val Text
---- ---------------- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ------------ ----------
          P2 P3                   P3                                  
         Val Text                Val                            
------------ ---------- ------------                                   
  75 CPA1_USER        db file se   .00   .00 WAITING    file#               116 block#
                      quential r                                      
      51,253 blocks  
Here we see that the CPA1_USER was waiting on access to file number 16, block number 51,253. Given this information, we can drill down into dba_extents and dba_data_files to see the data file that is causing the waits.
Here is a simple script that will display the file name for any file number:
accept filenbr prompt 'Enter the file#: '

   file_id = &&filenbr

When we run the script we can quickly see the name of the file that is experiencing the "db file sequential reads" wait:
Enter the file#: 10


To properly locate the source of the wait we need more than just the file name We can use the get_object_by_block_nbr.sql script to display all object on the target block:
set pages 999
set verify off
set lines 80

col c1 heading 'Segment|Name'           format a40
col c2 heading 'Segment|Type'           format a10
col c3 heading 'First|Block|of Segment' format 999,999,999,999
col c4 heading 'Last|Block|of Segment'  format 999,999,999,999

accept filenbr prompt 'Enter the file  number: '
accept inblock prompt 'Enter the block number: '

   segment_name     c1,
   segment_type     c2,
   block_id         c3
--   block_id+blocks  c4
   &filenbr = file_id

Here we see the exact source of the wait event is an index called IDX_EVENTCASE_STATUS_OVERAGE.
Enter the file  number: 116
Enter the block number: 51253

Segment                                  Segment               Block
Name                                     Type             of Segment
---------------------------------------- ---------- ----------------
IDX_EVENTCASE_STATUS_OVERAGE             INDEX                51,205

So, why are sessions waiting on index access? The most common cause is a freelist shortage. Prior to Oracle bitmap freelists (automatic extent management), segment header contention can happen if multiple tasks compete to simultaneously update the same index. The script can easily check the number of freelists for this object:
clear columns

col c1 heading 'Table|Name'      format a20
col c2 heading 'Table|Freelists' format 99
col c3 heading 'Index|Name'      format a20
col c4 heading 'Index|Freelists' format 99

select distinct
   t.table_name  c1,
   t.freelists   c2,
   index_name    c3,
   i.freelists   c4
   dba_tables    t,
   dba_indexes   i
   t.table_name = i.table_name

Of course, there could be other problems such as a high disk enqueue on the disk that contains the index, but we should always try to add freelists first. If more freelists do not solve the wait issue, then the index must be placed on a faster disk, a less busy disk, or striped across multiple disks.
Also, note that because we have the SID for the waiting task, we can use the SID to join into v$session and v$sql to see the SQL that was causing the wait condition.
Guy Harrison notes this query for wait events using the v$sys_time_model ASH table:
COLUMN wait_class format a20
COLUMN name       format a30
COLUMN time_secs  format 999,999,999,999.99
COLUMN pct        format 99.99
   ROUND (time_secs, 2) time_secs,
   ROUND (time_secs * 100 / SUM (time_secs) OVER (), 2) pct
      e.event NAME,
      e.time_waited / 100 time_secs
      v$system_event e,
      v$event_name n
       n.NAME = e.event AND n.wait_class <> 'Idle'
       time_waited > 0
      'server CPU',
      SUM (VALUE / 1000000) time_secs
      stat_name IN ('background cpu time', 'DB CPU'))
   time_secs DESC;

Other Wait Analysis Techniques
This article would not be complete without mentioning the 10046 trace events. Proponents of the 10046 approach to wait event tuning will say that using the 10046 approach is the best and easiest way to analyze Oracle event waits.
If you want to drill-down into trace event analysis, there are several companies that sell software to analyze trace files for wait events.
Oracle wait event analysis is extremely complex and it is one of the most challenging aspects of database tuning. While the effort is high, the rewards can also be great, especially for database that have problems with disk I/O contention, or objects with sub-optimal parameters.

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